Back to School 2015: Flipped Learning

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Welcome back to school! Heinemann Professional Development is excited to continue an online PLC (professional learning community) as we get back in the swing of school this fall. Look for new content each week and join in the conversation!

“Flipped learning is not homework; it is accessible and individualized learning.”
—Sonja Cherry-Paul and Dana Johansen

Imagine that your students can, whenever necessary, view and hear your think-aloud process as you revise a portion of writing or play with the application of an element of craft. While teachers can effectively model this during writing mini-lessons, many learners will benefit from revisiting this mini-lesson as their needs may require more repetition to apply new strategies in their own writing.

One of the benefits of technology is certainly access to information, but even more powerful is the ability to review and revisit information as needed. Adding this flipped element to our lessons can continue the threads of instruction throughout the writing process to personalize for learners who benefit from review. Flipped learning, contrary to what may be one’s initial perception, can be for learners at all ages and stages and doesn’t necessarily require expensive technology.

This week’s article breaks down this planning process and guides you to choose a lesson, method, technology and assessment. As you read the article, imagine what this might look like for your own students not only within the four walls of your classroom, but beyond them as well.

Flipped WritingIf this concept is new to you, or technology feels out of your comfort zone, discuss and discover ideas with other teachers in your own school or online. Experimenting with a new instructional technique along with colleagues places you in the learning process as well, giving you the opportunities to examine and shift your approaches to meet student needs.

Follow Sonja and Dana on Twitter at @LitLearnAct!

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Wondering where to connect online? Start by signing up below for Heinemann's Online PLC 2015–16! Each week, we'll share content from the Heinemann Digital Library as food for thought and discussion. Our conversations can occur in comments here on the blog, on Twitter using #OnlinePLC or in our Facebook Group. Looking forward to a year of sharing content, conversation and #OnlinePLC camaraderie!