Heinemann 2015 Resolutions, Part 2: Dave F. Brown, Trudy Knowles, and Nancie Atwell

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We asked the Heinemann authors who published a book in 2014 to provide a resolution for 2015. We hope these resolutions--or edulutions--spark a note of self-reflection while lifting you to continue your good, vital work into the new year. Over the next two weeks as we share our education resolutions, we’d love to read your edulutions. Share them with us or follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #Heinemann15. Cheers for a happy new year!

“We promise that in 2015 we will do everything in our power to end the hijacking of our schools by policies such as high stakes testing, scripted curricula, the Common Core, and Race to the Top—misguided principles that destroy student learning and undermine teacher morale. We resolve to help classrooms become the progressive places that they are meant to be; places in which teachers take the time to respond to each and every child’s needs, whether those needs are social, emotional, physical, or cognitive. We pledge throughout this year to persuade teachers to be empowered in ways that help them reclaim the roles that parents and children expect, and in that process, we’ll see a return to the genuine purpose of schooling: the simple joy and excitement of unbridled learning no matter where it leads. “

- Trudy Knowles and Dave Brown, authors of What Every Middle School Teacher Should Know, Third Edition


“I’m on a quest every day to maintain the balance—to value the choices, intentions, and needs of the writers I teach and to respond to them, lead them, and show them how to grow.”

- Nancie Atwell, author of In the Middle Third Edition