Heinemann Catalog: Spring Update 2015

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Heinemann's spring catalog hits mailboxes next week. The first half of 2015 features new resources from Stephanie Harvey, Smokey Daniels, Jennifer Serravallo, Kathy Collins, Matt Glover, Kari Yates, M. Colleen Cruz, Frank Serafini, and more.

This season represents an expansion of our resources with the recent release of the Heinemann Teacher Tip App, a free mobile application that delivers daily professional development from the leading authors and practitioners in education.

The catalog also features an update on our Heinemann Fellows program. In December, the Fellows met in Colorado to discuss the pressing questions of education today, and resolved to research and report their action. In a new series of blog posts, the Fellows will discuss and create a dialogue to advance the teaching profession. In her introductory post, Ellin Oliver Keene wrote of the group: “They want to begin a national conversation because they firmly believe that all educators will learn from their research and enhance it by sharing their own observations. It’s like a great dinner conversation and you’re invited!”

The Spring 2015 Heinemann Catalog should be in your mailboxes next week. If you don’t receive a physical copy, then you can access the free digital one here: Heinemann Spring 2015.