How Book Clubs Can Thrive In Both Physical And Virtual Classrooms

How Book Clubs Can Thrive In Both Physical And Virtual B Classrooms Blog Header X

Book clubs are a powerful way to rally kids around reading. Book clubs are also powerful ways for educators to build relationships with their students and for helping students forge strong bonds with one another.

Typically, many book club units have been organized so that students are all reading the same genre and each student in a club is reading the same book. Although this has been the most traditional way to set up clubs, in times when book access can be challenging, it is important to know that there are a variety of ways for book clubs to thrive in our physical and virtual classrooms.

In Chapter Two of Breathing New Life into Book Clubs, you’ll find several options for students to come together around books that can inspire more reading and relationship-building.Breathing New Life Download Ch 2 Graphic for Blog Oct 2020 jam

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