Summer Writing Camp Week Four Wrap-Up

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Can you even believe that we've just closed out week four of Jennifer Serravallo's online Summer Writing Camp for teachers? This week focused on opinion writing, and once again involved a very special guest appearance.



Writing can change the world! Jen started the day off with mentor text Malala’s Magic Pencil, which is a great reminder to all of us— even kids!— that our words have the power to persuade and change minds.

Watch Monday's video here!


What moves do great opinion writers make? In preparation for a very special upcoming interview with pulitzer prize winning columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. Jen tasked campers with studying some mentor texts written by Leonard.

Watch Tuesday's video here!

**You can view the articles by Leonard Pitts, Jr. that Jen offered as preparation for the conversation here and here and here.**


Live with critically acclaimed book author and pulitzer prize-winning columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr! You submitted your questions questions and Jen asked them. Today’s conversation covered many different strategies, and Jen has them listed in the post.

Watch Wednesday's video here!


When we aim to write in a certain way, it's helpful to get the tone we want in our head ahead of time. This is one key role that mentor texts play in the writing process, and it's certainly true of persuasive writing. This day of camp brought us back to our own writing.

Watch Thursday's video here!


To wrap up the week, Jen introduced a strategy about tone and how our word choice plays into the tone of a piece. Lean how find the best words to convey the feeling you want in your writing in this week’s video. 

Watch Friday's video here!


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