Topic: Heinemann PD

Charleston Sara

From Friday January 17, 2020 to Monday, January 20, we will be immersed in inquiry in Charleston, SC, at Curiosity Across the Curriculum: Pursuing Engagement, Literacy, and Action through Inquiry hosted by "Smokey" Daniels, Nancy Steineke, Chad Everett, Kristin Ziemke, and Sara Ahmed.

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This incredible weekend of learning invites us to embrace the inquiry process we wish our students to experience, trying out everything we will ask of them, as we commit to the more engaging and challenging practice of student-directed inquiry.

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This week on the Heinemann Podcast, we're excited to bring you the final of three special minisodes to invite you all into the conversations of the Heinemann Summer Book Study, hosted in the Heinemann PD Teaching and Learning Facebook Group.

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This week on the Heinemann Podcast, we're excited to bring you the second of three special minisodes, and invite you all into the conversations of the Heinemann Summer Book Study, hosted in the Heinemann PD Teaching and Learning Facebook Group.

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This week on the Heinemann Podcast, we're excited to introduce the first of three special minisodes, and invite you all into the conversations of the Heinemann Summer Book Study, hosted in the Heinemann PD Teaching and Learning Facebook Group.

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When it came to choose between these two titles for our summer book study, it quickly became clear that we needed both. The intersection of messages and range of ideas for application—not just in our schools but in our lives—will create critical conversations as we mentally and emotionally prepare for the work that awaits us in August.


This year we join Kylene Beers, Robert Probst, Penny Kittle, Linda Rief, Chris Crutcher, and Teri Lesense, Kwame Alexander, and Kelly Gallagher to investigate aliteracy and our students through reading, thinking, and writing. We'll be adding to the blog as this multi-day institute progresses so keep checking back!

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You don’t have to be tech-savvy to participate in the online PD we offer. Even if you don’t have barriers to attending an on-site or off-site event, perhaps your learning preferences include smaller chunks of time, flexible scheduling, or time and space to process, practice, reflect, and synthesize new learning.