Topic: Regie Routman

Blog Header On Demand December

I’ve been teaching and learning how to be a more effective teacher for most of my adult life. One thing I know for sure. Of all the factors that predict how well K-12 students do in learning to critically read, write and think, ongoing professional learning is the most vital. In fact, student learning and teacher expertise are inseparable.

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PLC Series: Public Celebration Conferences

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A round up of the May 2017 PLC series posts.

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PLC Series: Conversations to Support Writing

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The Best of the 2016 PLC Series

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PLC Series: September Round-Up

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Included is a video of Regie Routman in an informal reading conference.

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Online PLC: Let’s Celebrate Teachers Before We Evaluate Them

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Online PLC: Transform Your Teaching, Transform A Life.