Topic: Steve Zemelman

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We learn how to welcome inquiry into our classrooms for actionable practice in this PLC series.

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Whether you were able to attend the conference or not, we've compiled some favorite Heinemann podcasts with authors who presented at this year's NCTE17.

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Today on the podcast, Steve Zemelman talks about his book From Inquiry to Action.

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From Inquiry To Action: The Teacher Has To Step Back

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From Inquiry To Action: The Benefits of Civic Engagement for Students

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Tonight: Join Steve Zemelman in a Twitter Chat on Actionable Civics

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Online PLC: Building A Community of Learners

Heinemann Resolutions Part 11: Steve Zemelman

Author Q&A with Harvey “Smokey” Daniels and Steven Zemelman, Part I

Author Q&A with Harvey “Smokey” Daniels and Steven Zemelman, Part II