Here at Heinemann we want you to feel loved and to know the warm embrace of our publishing arms. You're a teacher, you know this day well: drugstore valentines, heart-shaped wafers that taste like chalk and salicylic acid, the hastened crash after a morning of cupcakes—all in the depths of February, at once the shortest and longest month.
But love is a many splendored thing and, to celebrate its splendors, we're running a week-long special because we love teachers! Save 30% on professional books if you use the coupon code LOVE15 at online checkout!
Full details:
Code: LOVE15 at checkout
Offer: 30% off
Applicable: ALL professional books, ONLY professional books.
Not applicable: Bundles, firsthand products, BAS, LLI, and ancillaries.
Quantity: No limit
Duration: February 9–20
Splendors: Many