Get Your Questions Answered about Cornelius Minor's "Values in Action"

2021 PD On Demand Blog Minor ART

As educators, especially during this stressful time, we have to ask ourselves the right questions before setting aside the resources to engage in PD. Do I have the bandwidth for a course right now? Can this PD experience really help me in my role? Will I just be watching videos?  Read on for some FAQ about this author-guided, on-demand course.

As educators, especially during this stressful time, we have to ask ourselves the right questions before setting aside the resources to engage in PD. Do I have the bandwidth for a course right now? Can this PD experience really help me in my role? Will I just be watching videos?  Read on for some FAQ about this author-guided, on-demand course.


Q: What is the time commitment? 

A: There are 6 sessions. Sessions 1, 3, and 5 are done independently and sessions 2, 4, and 6 are live with Cornelius. Each live session is 90 minutes and each asynchronous session is about 60-90 minutes. You are looking at roughly 9 hours of course time in the platform between now and December. Keep in mind that this work is also job-embedded and completely differentiated to what you want to accomplish; Any additional time directly supports your day-to-day in the classroom. You also get access to all the content for 365 days. 


Q: What if I can't make the live session? 

A: While we won't be recording sessions 2, 4, and 6 for participants to allow for vulnerability and safety, Cornelius will be recording a 20-minute recap immediately following the live session so that everyone has access to the same content and general themes of discussion from that day. These will be embedded within the course for you to access on your own time!


Q: Can I get CEUs or credit for this?

A: Yep! You will receive a certificate for 30 contact hours or 3 CEUs. If you want to extend your work for graduate credit, you can do so for an extra cost through the University of Massachusetts Global or Antioch University, who will also have additional requirements to obtain the credits. All of this info is found here.


Q: Will this just be endless videos? I'm so tired of being on screens.

A: It is extremely important to us at Heinemann PD, and to Cornelius, that you honor your needs and your humanity when you engage in PD. Cornelius designed this course to be a mix of video, reading, listening, writing and reflection, discussing, and thinking. There are times throughout where he encourages you to get snacks and a drink while you settle in to some hard work or a longer video. Videos range from Cornelius sharing unscripted insight, real conversations with practicing teachers, teaching model lessons, and thinking on screen in interviews with staff.


Q: What can people expect when learning with Cornelius?
When asked, Cornelius told us:

"I put so much into this course, when I think about what we can expect when we're learning together, know: I think it's really important to name that I lead with love. And sometimes love is beautiful. It's light. It's butterflies. Right so we see the beauty and the wonder of children. And of childhood and we see the beauty of the work that we do.

But sometimes love is rage. Sometimes love is anger at the fact that the kids come to school, and sometimes there aren't enough resources to meet their learning needs. Sometimes love is rage at the fact that we still abide by systems that don't value all children and all families and all communities. And so learning together is going to be all of that.

It's going to literally be a lovely time defined by our creativity and our desire to make it a better world for all kids. And all communities."


Q: How does this PD differentiate for the wide range of roles in education or years of experience?

A: We asked Cornelius. His response is below!

"One of the questions that I hear often is people ask me, how will this course be different depending on my role, if I'm a superintendent, if I am a principal, if I am an educator or a coach. And here's the thing. All of our jobs are impacted by the reality that kids in our communities aren't always served equitably. All of our jobs are impacted by the reality that we are still not OK with the outcomes that we're seeing in math, science, reading, writing, social studies, music, arts. And so we all care profoundly about making better experiences for kids when they come to school and when they engage in the community.

And this course will help us to tap into our power wherever we sit and to create the things that will serve children well, in our classrooms, in our leadership, and across our communities."

Course Schedule

*Session 1: Hardship Has Revealed Who We Really Are

Session 2: Moving from Concern or Outrage to Action (10/21/21)

*Session 3: Values in Action

Session 4: Change Work Ain't Glamorous (11/4/21)

*Session 5: There is No Finish Line

Session 6: Reflection and Growing Your Influence (12/2/21)

Informal Q&A Kickoff: Thursday, October 7, 2021 from 6-6:30 PM ET

* = asynchronous: complete on your time before next live session

Live sessions with Cornelius are 6:00-7:30 PM ET


If you haven't yet seen it, enjoy this invitation to the course from Cornelius Minor.