What’s New in The Reading Strategies Book 2.0?

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We’re so glad you asked. So much has changed from the first edition that it's basically a new book. The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 is designed to be every K–8 teacher’s trusted, research-aligned companion—no matter their curriculum, subject area, or instructional approach, or experience in the field. Author Jen Serravallo, worked to considerably improve the New York Times best-seller to make it even better for teachers supporting their readers making progress every day.

Written with teachers in mind, skill progressions that organize each chapter make it easy to find strategies to target what students need. Each strategy page also provides classroom-ready prompts, tips, lesson language with updated mentor texts, teaching tips with advice for differentiation, and hundreds of new classroom charts. Research links and citations woven throughout provide support for every idea and suggestion.

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A True Research-Based Classroom Resource
The dramatically revised edition links classroom-ready ideas with a strong research base from fields such as cognitive science, neuroscience, linguistics, education, and psychology. Serravallo collaborated with a post-doctoral researcher to identify, synthesize, and interpret articles from peer-reviewed journals, chapters from academic press books, and pieces from practitioner-facing journals—in all, there are more than 700 unique citations (view the entire list at

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New Getting Started and Chapter Introductions
The book opens with a robust, all new, Getting Started chapter which leans on 150+ studies to provide a crucial foundation and review of key topics relating to effective literacy instruction including: the research base for strategies, important research-based frameworks for reading instruction, how strategies fit alongside other important aspects of reading instruction such as phonics and knowledge-building, and how to provide effective feedback to readers.
What is Research Base for Strategy Instruction Blog Element Graphic Serravallo RSB 2.0 copyrightEach of the 13 chapter introductions, also all new, review research relating to the focus of the chapter and why what’s covered in the chapter is a critical goal for reading instruction. Each introductory section also lists and defines skills related to the goal, and provides guidance on how teachers can evaluate assessments to identify which students benefit from the goal. Finally, advice on what texts and text types should be used as students practice strategies from the chapter.

New If–Then, Skill Progression Organization
Strategies within each chapter in the new edition are now organized by skill progressions. Using an “if–then” structure, the new organization streamlines the process of finding the right strategy, saving preparation and planning time and ensuring teachers choose a more targeted, effective strategy for each learner. Skill progressions can also help teachers identify skills aligned to grade level standards to use strategies to supplement curriculum, target skills for whole class lessons, or to help teachers identify patterns of need within the class to facilitate student groupings.
Let The Commas Be Your GuideProgression language from the table is repeated on each individual strategy page with navigation markers below so that teachers can easily identify where they are in the progression and navigate within the chapter as they flip to quickly find what they need.

Rewritten Lesson Language and Teaching Tips
Most strategies include a Lesson Language feature to provide a sample of how a teacher might offer an explicit demonstration aligned to a strategy. These sections were completely re-written for The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 and feature a set of inclusive, diverse children’s, middle grade, and young adult expository and narrative texts.

Teaching Tips throughout the book, many of which are brand new or heavily revised, offer advice for differentiation or provide background information to support teacher effectiveness.

New Classroom-Ready Charts
Reading Strategies 2.0 features one classroom-ready chart or student work example for each of the 300+ strategies, and over 200 of them are brand new. These charts are clear, streamlined, easily replicable, and designed to be effective for a wide range of grade levels.
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Higher Level Strategies
Reading Strategies 2.0 also includes new, higher-level strategies across chapters to support middle school students and advanced readers as well as their teachers. Drawing from 8th and 9th grade standards, these new strategies provide support for skills such as analysis and critique, and content such as evaluating the validity of a source, understanding satire, or using allegories and archetypes to interpret a text and find its deeper meanings.

Serravallo RSB 2.0 Drop Shadow Blog Element GraphicDiscover more about The Reading Strategies Book 2.0.