Heinemann Blog

Thought leadership supporting the latest innovations in K-12 education.

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This week, institute season kicks off at The Reading and Writing Project, as thousands of educators gather at Teachers College in New York City to reflect upon, reinvigorate, and refine their teaching of writing.

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Engagement, in part, depends on what you feel and sense when you enter a classroom. It's the culture—unseen and unheard, but omnipresent, and it's a little tougher to pin down.

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Writing and teaching writing can be intimidating. It is hard work, and it takes time. Quickwrites offer an easy and manageable writing experience that helps both students and teachers find their voices and develop their confidence.

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Today on the Heinemann Podcast, a special read aloud from Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell, co-authors of Beyond Literary Analysis: Teaching Students to Write with Passion and Authority About Any Text.

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As we help students become independent learners, we want them to understand that independent doesn't have to mean completely alone. We nurture the growth of independence by providing instruction that supports learners.

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When I began my action research as a Heinemann Fellow in 2016, I was already a couple of years into informal research of my own, trying to figure out how best to implement choice reading into my high school

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If you are an educator with some time away from school this summer, hopefully you are using a lot of it to recharge. This time to re-anchor to what energizes you is crucial and much-needed.

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How can principals take on the role of instructional leader to build and lead the school community?

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When in the writing process do writers figure out a focus and decide on the point they want their writing to make?

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This study guide will be your companion as you work through the book, helping you to consider how you can put the skills of social comprehension to work in your own life.

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Teachers who engage in these practices understand the importance of culture to teaching, learning, growing, and developing.


We've organized a roundup of all the episodes from our Spring season and broken it down by topic to help you find the most relevant content.

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You don’t have to be tech-savvy to participate in the online PD we offer. Even if you don’t have barriers to attending an on-site or off-site event, perhaps your learning preferences include smaller chunks of time, flexible scheduling, or time and space to process, practice, reflect, and synthesize new learning.

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How can we help kids to identify when they have an engaged experience and how they can create the condition necessary to repeat it and create new ones? Consider these moves in your classroom

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One of the biggest balancing acts of teaching is finding ways to be flexible in the often inflexible context in which you've found yourself.

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As we move into the summer months, many kids will have a lot of hours to fill. As teachers, we have a lot of power to make sure that at least some of kids’ time this summer is taken up with reading.

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A wrap up of the PLC series posts from 2017-18 year.

Thinking Together Blog

As teachers, we must cultivate the structures and beliefs in a classroom community that lay the foundation for the mathematical growth of our students. Our foundation is built on a set of nine key beliefs.

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Heinemann.