Earlier this year, Heinemann hosted a symposium for its 2014–2016 class of Fellows. Each Fellow gave a presentation on his or her action research project, and afterward sat down to answer some questions. Today, Lisa Birno gives two elegant and measured responses in two videos. The questions: "What would you want to share about your process of discovery?" and "What is the one word that describes you as an educator?" Videos below after the break.
"What would you want to share about your process of discovery?"
"What is the one word that describes you as an educator?"
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*The views expressed above are Lisa Birno's alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Eden Prairie Schools.
Lisa Birno is a sixth grade teacher at Forest Hill Elementary School in the Eden Prairie Public School system of Minnesota. Her action research question as a Heinemann Fellow is, "What instructional strategies are most effective in promoting equitable and engaged talk in a Midwestern, suburban sixth grade self-contained classroom?"
Follow Lisa's progress on Twitter @LisaBirno