Heinemann's Spring 2018 Catalog is Here! 

SPRING 2018 Catalog Slider

The wait is over — Heinemann's Spring 2018 Catalog is here! Explore 128 pages packed full with resources from some of your favorite authors. Inside you'll find new publications from Kate RobertsEllin Oliver KeeneChristine Hertz & Kristine MrazKelly Gallagher & Penny KittleAllison Marchetti & Rebekah O'DellSara Ahmed, and many more. You can also explore new Fountas & Pinnell resources, like the Fountas & Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study System, Grades K-3Visit the online catalog here.

To learn more about what Heinemann has to offer, hear directly from General Manager Vicki Boyd as she speaks about research & the Heinemann Fellows below.

"What hidden destinations await us?"

In the spirit of the MacArthur Fellowship, we launched Heinemann Fellows in 2014. Through an essay application process, we chose ten teachers from across the continental U.S. not for their past accomplishments but for their potential to advance the teaching profession. They exhibited an extraordinary passion for their practice, evinced a willingness to lead, and demonstrated an intellectual curiosity that kept them learning alongside their students. We invited these educators, who in some cases were coaches and school principals, to commit to a two-year course of study. Each identified a problem of practive around which to formulate a question and an action research plan in pursuit of discoveries that would not only inform their own practice but also have the potential to transform that of others. 

The research undertaken by this inaugural class examined, among other things, the impact of purposeful talk on equity and engagement in the classroom, how choice affects students' agency, and how feedback influences conceptual understanding in math. As was our goal, their sustained attention to everyday questions of practice brought forth fresh insight into teaching and learning. 

But there was something more. Author and educator Lucy Calkins is fond of asserting, "People long to work hard on causes that matter, in community." This is the power of collective inquiry; as our fledging class pursued their individual questions, alongside others of common purpose, they arrived at this unanticipated discovery. "All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware." (Martin Buber)

As I write this letter, the second Fellows cohort, class of 2018, is still unveiling their own secret destinations. Their blogs and podcasts offer clues, none more powerfully than the December 7, 2017, Heinemann podcast "The Need for and Needs of Teachers of Color." In it Fellows Tricia Ebarvia, Anna Osborn, Aeriale Johnson, and Tiana Silvas describe waking up in a time of heightened racial division both to their individual identities as teachers of color and to their collective identity as Fellows of color. 

Their wakefulness has sent their white colleagues, Fellows, and Heinemann staff members alike on a journey as well. Stirred by our friends, we seek a better understanding of who we are as white people in the story of race, as white teachers, and a publisher for an audience of predominantly white educators. We are determined to find our voices in this discussion, to notice injustices and better understand the part we play in them, to risk discomfort in our effort to undo them. I hope you will follow us at and consider making your own journey.

I do not remember a time in my life of more bitter discord in this country. The words of Mother Theresa offer insight and a way forward: "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other." We belong to each other. What if we move in the world as if we truly believe this? What if this understanding informs every word we utter, every step we take? What hidden destinations await us? What else are we here for if not to give comfort and courage for the journey?

VickiBoyd_Catalog_SM.jpgVicki Boyd is the General Manager of Heinemann. Follow her on Twitter @VickiBoyd