The Heinemann Fellows: Video Spotlight on Julie Nora

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Earlier this year, Heinemann hosted a symposium for its 2014–2015 class of Fellows. Each Fellow gave a presentation on his or her action research project, and afterward sat down to answer some questions. Today, Julie Nora explains the inspiration for her work, and how her action research project has changed her interactions in the classroom. Videos below after the break.

"What inspired you to do this research?"



"How has your research affected your relationship with educators at your school?"


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Julie Nora is the Director of the International Charter School in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Her action research seeks question is, "How will having an authentic writing task for global audiences impact student engagement in writing and the quality of their writing in a Two-Day Immersion setting?"

Follow Julie's progress on Twitter.

Please visit the Heinemann Fellows page to learn more.