Online PD Options with Jennifer Serravallo

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Are you looking for a way to deepen your use of The Reading Strategies Book and/or The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo? Online learning—webinars and on-demand courses—allow you to learn at your own pace, from home or school, when your schedule allows.

Are you looking for a way to deepen your use of The Reading Strategies Book and/or The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo? Online learning—webinars and on-demand courses—allow you to learn at your own pace, from home or school, when your schedule allows.

Great! So... tell me more about the online learning options.

On-Demand Courses: Our online, self-paced courses are designed to encourage educators to experience content in an interactive format on their own time and schedule for up to a year, individually or with a cohort, through our online learning site. (below: sample screen from one of Jen's on-demand courses)

Serravallo Course Screenshot


Webinar Series: This is a series of three, one-hour sessions that Jen presents live through Zoom. Participants are welcome to join live to interact with Jen, or watch the recording of the webinar for up to 90 days. The sessions are spread out across a few months to allow time in between for practice and reflection. 

(below: sample screenshots from one of Jen's live webinar series)

Jennifer Serravallo models strategies in her webinarJennifer Serravallo webinar content example







Author-Guided On-Demand: Starting January 22, 2020, Jen will be piloting a new online learning option to combine the on-demand course with live Q&A sessions through Zoom. Participants will complete sessions of the online course on a schedule, and have the opportunity to join Jen live for Q&A on five dates. 


How do I choose between a webinar series and an on-demand course? 


Let’s take a closer look:

On-Demand Courses
Jen's newest On-Demand Course, Strategies in Action: Reading and Writing Methods and Content, is comprised of eight sessions, each taking about an hour to complete. Each session helps educators consider reading and writing connections by combining goals from the bestselling The Reading Strategies Book and The Writing Strategies Book. Throughout the course, participants watch several dozen videos of Jen in K-8 classrooms teaching whole class (i.e., minilesson, read aloud, shared reading, interactive writing, etc.), small group (i.e, strategy lesson, guided reading, book club, etc.), and individual (i.e., conferring) lessons.

Jen has also authored a six-session course Teaching Reading in Small Groups: Matching Methods to Purposes informed by her book, Teaching Reading in Small Groups: Differentiated Instruction for Building Strategic, Independent Readers. This course is perfect for educators who are new to differentiated reading instruction. The sessions are video-rich with topics ranging from formative assessment to conferring and small group instruction.

Course sessions are sequenced, include downloadable resources, practice activities to engage with the content, prompts for reflection, extra readings, and dozens of videos with Jen explaining concepts and working with students. On-Demand Courses give you a chance to interact with content, capture thinking, and discuss learning in forums on your own time and schedule. Courses can be taken as a closed-cohort within a school/district or on your own with the opportunity to interact with other course participants around the world.

Beginning in 2020, Jen will pilot an Author-Guided On-Demand Course. In these, you’ll complete each session on your own time and participate in five live webinar-style sessions with Jen to ask questions and engage in conversation.

Live Webinar Series
Over the last few years, Jen has offered live webinar series such as The Reading Strategies Webinar, The Writing Strategies Webinar, and The Strategies for Comprehension Webinar. Each of these webinar series includes three live sessions, scheduled over the course of a couple months. During each webinar, you’ll see Jen’s presentation slides, a live video feed of Jen as she presents, and an occasional prerecorded video of Jen teaching. Jen sets up activities and opportunities for reflection and interactivity along the way and you’ll be invited to join in conversation and ask questions through the chat feature. In between each session, Jen gives participants ideas for things to try in their own classrooms. The next webinar series with Jen will begin in Fall 2020.

Beginning in March 2020, a colleague of Jen’s will be launching Spanish versions of her Reading and Writing Strategies webinars for dual language and bilingual ed teachers, or other users of the newly-released El libro de estrategias de lectura and El libro de estrategias de escritura. Never-before-seen videos filmed in Spanish immersion classrooms will be debuted during this course!

Webinars are always recorded, allowing you to view them whenever your schedule allows for up to 90 days after the conclusion of each series.


Comparing Jen's On-Demand Courses and Webinar Series at a Glance 

Format Length and Access CEUs or Graduate Credit

On-Demand Courses via our Online PD Learning Site

(Strategies in Action, Teaching Reading in Small Groups)

6-8 session full-length courses

Access course content for 365 days from course  activation date

Start anytime!

30 contact hours, or 3 CEUs

Graduate credit is available from Brandman University and Antioch University (full-length courses only).

Learn more here.

Author-Led On-Demand Course

(Strategies in Action)

8 session full length course plus five 30-min live Q&A sessions

Starting January 2020

32.5 clock hours/ 3.25 CEUs

Live Webinar Series through Zoom

(Strategies for Comprehension, Reading Strategies, Writing Strategies, Estrategias en Español: Seminario web de escritura y lectura)

Jen presents three live sessions for each webinar series (Resuming Fall 2020)

Jen’s colleague presents three live sessions for each series in Spanish (Beginning March 2020)

Join live and/or access recordings for up to 90 days after the final session

0.1 CEUs are earned per hour of webinar time. 

Ex: A 3-part series would be 3 clock hours or 0.3 CEUs.


Still have questions?

We are always here to help! Send us a message via our Heinemann Publishing Facebook page, tweet or DM us on Twitter at @HeinemannPD, or email

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