Topic: Webinars

2022 Themes Blog Header Literacy

As our world grows and shifts, so does our definition of literacy. Sense-making through reading, writing, speaking, and listening is nuanced when we consider the numerous modes of information we encounter each day.

2022 Themes Blog Header Math

Even before the pandemic, the call for a new vision of math instruction was loud. A challenge in this profession is consistently having opportunities to think critically and collaboratively about pedagogy to avoid "teaching how we were taught"...

2022 Themes Blog Header Create Change

We know that living in a perpetual cycle of triage is unsustainable. We know we need to find a way to support each other and revise our rhythm to match the world we live and teach in today.

2022 Themes Blog Header Reading

It's the Tuesday morning literacy block and students are settled into their texts. A glance around the room provides a sense of relief that things are going well...

2022 Themes Blog Header Writing

The reflective practice of teaching can bring both joy and frustration. We feel joy in the moment a writing conference propels a student to a new place in their notebook, or when we witness the impact of a mini-lesson or mentor text...

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If you're hoping to attend some virtual PD this year to lift your practice—and your spirits—we have many options for you! However, we know that decision fatigue is real and too many choices can be overwhelming.

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Attending professional development and learning the research behind these terms is important so that we don't build an inaccurate version of what they mean for your role in education and the impact they have on leaders and learning communities.

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The number 2020 once signified perfect eyesight, or clearer hindsight gained from the passage of time. For the world of education, 2020 now represents a high-stress whirlwind of redesigning teaching and learning, far outpacing the prior, frequent changes in education, all while still living in and surviving a pandemic.

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This fall, we will continue to provide high-quality professional development to you on a wide range of topics — virtually! What does this mean? It means that no matter where you live, you have many more choices than before. It means more options for finding something that fits your goals and schedule.

Bob Kim FB Live July2020

On Wednesday, July 29th, join Heinemann author Robert Kim for a special Facebook live event from 7:30-8:00pm EST

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Are you looking for a way to deepen your use of The Reading Strategies Book and/or The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo? Online learning -- webinars and on-demand courses -- allow you to learn at your own pace, from home or school, when your schedule allows.

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Educators curious to learn more about Complete Comprehension, and those already using this resource can watch the recorded webinar at the link below.

Fand P Webinar Blog Header Heinemann

Summertime creates opportunity for activities that are critical to teacher rejuvenation. For some, it is the time where engaging in professional learning is the most fruitful because the capacity is greater for digging deeper into PD goals or school initiatives.

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You don’t have to be tech-savvy to participate in the online PD we offer. Even if you don’t have barriers to attending an on-site or off-site event, perhaps your learning preferences include smaller chunks of time, flexible scheduling, or time and space to process, practice, reflect, and synthesize new learning.

Supporting Learners Blog Picture

Patricia Vitale-Reilly's book Supporting Struggling Learners: 50 Instructional Moves for the Classroom Teacher provides practical strategies for empowering students with the right tools to grow and learn. In this video, Patricia talks about providing strong study skills.

Our first live webinar session with Colleen Cruz was packed with thinking about a mindset for teaching writing, strategies to guide repetitive student writing, mirror writing, and more!

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PLC Series: Making Writing Irresistible

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What Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell Mean to Me