Online PLC: When Students Push Our Buttons

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During May, we enter a phase of reflection. The end of the year brings challenges of antsy students but also the anticipation of both celebrating learning and envisioning a classroom of new ideas for next year.

Hold this question in your thinking as we share and converse around content this month: "How can we use reflection to maintain momentum, positivity and progress in our learning communities?"

“It’s less about us, and more about the student. When we get out of our own head, we can see that this student’s behavior is due to a problem he is having being successful. We can feel compassion and understand that the behavior is more about our student than about us.”—Bonnie Harris

This is a time of year where patience can really be tested. Keeping momentum for learning as the year winds to a close can be challenging, coupled with the fact that students might be pushing each other’s buttons—and possibly yours.

In her Digital Library article, available for download below, author and speaker Bonnie Harris helps us to reframe our thinking by addressing our assumptions, which are often the cause of initial reactions. By learning to observe rather than judge, our response to students can be one of compassion rather than blame.

If you have ever had a student who challenged your emotions or one that is simply pushing your buttons, Bonnie’s advice will surely help you to take this on with a new perception so you may finish the year positive and strong with your students. Be sure to share with any colleagues that could use this support as well!


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Wondering where to connect online? Start by signing up below for Heinemann's Online PLC! Each week, we'll share content from the Heinemann Digital Library as food for thought and discussion. Our conversations can occur in comments here on the blog, on Twitter using #OnlinePLC or in our Facebook Group. Looking forward to sharing content, conversation and camaraderie!

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