PLC Series: Building Community by Focusing on the Whole Child

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Welcome back to the Heinemann PD Professional Learning Community Series! This month we celebrate new beginnings for teachers and learners across the country.

Welcome back to the Heinemann PD Professional Learning Community Series! This month we celebrate new beginnings for teachers and learners across the country.

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A principal and proud graduate of Baltimore Public Schools, Katrina Foster knows the labels and limitations that direct attention to the adversity in a community. Drawing a beautiful parallel between her work and the Tupac Shakur poem, “The Rose That Grew From Concrete,” she describes the work her school staff does, which puts conversations, support, and the human story at the center of what they do.  

With a strong focus on family connections and regular time to share motivational student stories to lift one another up in the work they do, Katrina cultivates a school culture that not only has high expectations, but places the needs of children at the heart, allowing them to experience the kind of community that can serve as a model for them as they grow into fully engaged members of society.  

You can download and read Katrina Foster's Heinemann Digital Library article, Building a Great School Community Step by Step, by clicking the image below.

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 Katrina Foster (@Hen_Hop) currently serves as the principal of Elmer A. Henderson: A Johns Hopkins Partnership School. A proud graduate of Baltimore City Public Schools, she served as a TFA teacher, Instructional Support Teacher, and Assistant Principal before becoming principal of Henderson-Hopkins. In her third year as principal, Katrina has been able to cultivate a positive, learning-focused culture that has produced an increase in student attendance and overall academic achievement.