It's the Tuesday morning literacy block and students are settled into their texts. A glance around the room provides a sense of relief that things are going well; you hear a book club spilling over about the surprise ending, see independent readers (pencil and stickies in hand) leaning into their book, and your conferring list seems doable today. After meeting with readers throughout the morning, you review your notes and feel perplexed—again—about some recurring patterns.
The joy of teaching coexists with the weight of ensuring that every child can access their right to literacy. Collecting mounds of data—from the numerical to anecdotal—fuels important conversations about what is and isn't working as we strive to make sense of how each unique learner engages with the complex process of reading.
All of this important work can lead us to search for learning opportunities that might help us understand and address troubling patterns. As part of your commitment to providing the best reading instruction possible, you know you need to do some focused professional learning to improve student outcomes.
Below, you'll see a curated collection of PD options designed to elevate your expertise in reading instruction, developed and presented by Heinemann authors, education practitioners, and researchers.

Upcoming Virtual Workshops & Webinar Series
These reading-focused virtual events range in time commitment and include recording access so you can learn flexibly.
Notice and Note 101: Getting Started with the Signposts (K-12) with Kylene Beers and Bob Probst |
Notice and Note 201: Digging Deeper with the Signposts (6-12) with Kylene Beers and Bob Probst |
Phonics Foundations That Work: Letter Lessons and First Words (K-3) with Heidi Anne Mesmer |

On-Demand Courses
These media-rich courses are interwoven with reflection and range in length with 365-day access. Browse the sampling below!
Adolescent Reading RX: by Samantha Bennett and Cris Tovani
Strategies in Action: Reading and Writing Methods and Content (K–8) by Jennifer Serravallo
Everyday Habits that Grow Successful Readers (K-5) by Samantha Bennett and Debbie Miller
Transforming Our Teaching Through Reading to Understand (K-6) by Regie Routman

Inviting the right people to speak or facilitate professional development is an important decision! Our specialists are skilled at listening to your needs and matching your school or district with the right consultants. Below is a sampling of consulting authors who specialize in various grade ranges and areas of reading instruction.
Kylene Beers (4-12) Kathy Collins (PreK-5) Carol Jago (6-12) Ellin Keene (K-8) Penny Kittle (K-12) Clare Landrigan (K-5) Tanny McGregor (K-8) |
Kristine Mraz (K-5) Cornelius Minor (3-12) Lindsey Moses (K-5) Marilyn Pryle (6-12) Robert E. Probst (4-12) Kate Roberts (3-12) Jennifer Serravallo (K-8) |
Hoping you can talk to a person about professional learning options for yourself or your school? We love hearing from you. Email us at workshops@heinemann.com.
Make sure you are on our mailing list so you always know about new professional learning opportunities.