Heinemann Summer Sessions - Your Online PLC

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Coming soon!
Heinemann Summer Sessions 2015 – Your Online PLC
June 15–August 15, 2015

This summer, join with colleagues from across the hall and around the world in our free online summer PLC! Topics in our professional learning community this summer will be centered on student empowerment and the importance of engaging students in their own learning.

Each week throughout the summer, the Heinemann blog will feature an article, video clip or new professional book chapter from the Heinemann Digital Library on the topic of student engagement.

We’ll connect and share in various ways and places to answer these questions and many, many more!

  • How do we provide students opportunities to actively construct meaning?
  • What are the ways in which we create a safe, non-threatening yet challenging environment that respects and responds to learner needs?
  • How can we enable our students to engage in relevant and rigorous applications of learning?
  • How do active learning and engagement promote the development and use of 21st century skills?

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“In a workshop, we try to convey to students that we value their work in big and small ways, from having students share their writing from the class author's chair to publishing and celebrating student writing beyond the classroom." —Lisa Eickholdt, Learning From Classmates

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Stay connected and add your voice to the conversation throughout the summer, or pop in and catch up at different points along our journey—whatever fits your schedule. We encourage you to follow the Heinemann Blog series, join our Facebook group, and use hashtag #summerPLC to share and discuss student engagement topics throughout the summer! Post photos of your Summer PLC, mentioning our Instagram account!

Each week, from June 15 to August 15, we will provide links to download different selected articles, sample chapters, and video clips. We encourage you to share these with your colleagues and professional learning communities and join in the conversation. Let us know how you plan to use this Heinemann PD content to learn and grow this summer.

Sign up below to receive updates about our free online professional learning community—Heinemann Summer Sessions 2015!