Topic: Heinemann

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Throughout April and May, Heinemann surveyed over 1,300 educators including classroom teachers, interventionists, literacy coaches, and reading specialists. From these surveys, we learned more about the obstacles educators faced during the early stages of the COVID19 pandemic.


The only way to end white supremacy is to address the systems that allow it to continue. With other educators, we will lean harder into anti-racism. As we educate ourselves and through our ongoing action, you will see our commitment demonstrated in the faces, the words, and the work of our authors and employees.

Open Letter

A letter to educators from Gay Su Pinnell and Irene Fountas on remote learning and using Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ digital resources.

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In partnership with Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, Heinemann will provide temporary teacher access to the below identified Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ and Leveled Literacy Intervention resources.

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These are unprecedented times. The quick shift to remote learning has prompted many questions related to copyright and what permissions we can offer for the use of our resources in closed digital learning environments. Keeping both copyright law and the extraordinary circumstances in mind, we offer the following guidance.

Blog Heinemann COVID19 copyright update

We are currently working with our legal team to provide accurate responses, and we are committed to getting you answers in as timely a fashion as possible.

Blog Heinemann COVID19

We have been working to put plans in place to best serve and meet your needs, while also ensuring the safety and health of our employees.

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Due to concerns around the Covid-19 virus, some changes have been made to some PD services.

2020 Heinemann Fellows Announcement blog

The end of a cohort term is always an excellent time to take stock and reflect on the meaning, purpose, and potential of the program and to begin to lay a new path for the next group of Fellows.

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Here, you’ll find a detailed description of many of the most popular places to find the Heinemann podcast and how to start listening today.

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The PLC series continues. This post focuses on ways educators can care for themselves and others for sustainable careers.

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The PLC series continues with ways to reach literacy goals of increased reading access to books, and time spent reading and writing.

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Heinemann is honored to have been listed among Business NH Magazine’s 2019 Best Companies to Work For. Heinemann has debut on the magazine’s list as the fourth-best company in New Hampshire.

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If we accept that discomfort is inevitable but silence is not a strategy, what practices or systems in your school can you examine in order to confront and change outcomes for students of color?

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Think about aligning beliefs and practices not within the classroom, but in your personal life.

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To honor our commitment to protect our authors’ voices and expertise, we are therefore updating the copyright pages of our books and products to include the following:

P David Pearson Blog1

We are proud to announce that P. David Pearson, a legend in literacy education and research, is retiring after 48 years.


Lola's story is my story; it's my students' story, too.