Topic: Jennifer Serravallo

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Join Us for a Free Jennifer Serravallo Webinar to Learn About The Writing Strategies Book

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Teaching Toward the Goal: Using The Writing Strategies Book to Support Learning

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Jennifer Serravallo Hosts Writing Strategies Book Talk on Facebook Live

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Today on the podcast, Jennifer Seravallo talks about The Writing Strategies Book

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What Can I Expect to See in The Writing Strategies Book?

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The Best of the 2016 PLC Series

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October Round-Up of the PLC series.

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Spend Your Tuesday Evening with Jennifer Serravallo

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Welcome back to the PLC Series where we discuss how student talk is an opportunity for research.

Jennifer Serravallo provides a downloadable self-reflection tool for readers to find their goals.

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Discussions with Small School Districts: The Reading Strategies Book

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Year In Review: Teacher Tips From 2015's Professional Book Lineup

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Recent Tips From the Heinemann Teacher Tip App

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Now Available: The Reading Strategies Book Study Guide!

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Four Effective Tips From the Heinemann Teacher Tip App

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Watch Every Video of Heinemann's Teacher Appreciation Week Series

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It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Jen Serravallo Thanks Her Teachers

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In Jen's Own Words: Why Are There 300 Strategies?