Topic: Lester Laminack

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Katie Kelly and Lester Laminack discuss the evolving landscape of education.

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From Reading to Make a Difference chapter 3. Learn how to help students cope with loss through careful text selection and conversation.

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"When even a small group of readers come together to engage in conversation around a shared text, each of them leaves with greater insight than any one of them brought."

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Cultural norms and adult attitudes and behaviors define for children which differences matter and which do not.

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In this edition of Book Talk Live, we're speaking with authors Lester Laminack and Katie Kelly about their new book, Reading to Make a Difference.

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Taking the initiative to be reflective about one's inward identity can be enlightening!

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Some texts affirm our lives based on similarities and connections, while others provide us a window into the unfamiliar.

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Lester and Katie offer a framework that can both deepen and broaden students’ understandings, insights, and empathy for the greater human family.

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Today on the podcast Lester Laminack and Katie Kelly want students and teachers to learn the ways that reading can change lives. In their new book 'Reading to Make a Difference,' Lester and Katie build a framework for diverse and inclusive literature practices.

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When the reader stands in his or her own worldview, unable to see or conceive of any other perspective, a book can be a bridge. The right book, at the right time, can span the divide between where the reader stands in this moment and alternate views, new ideas, and options not yet considered.

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Whether you were able to attend the conference or not, we've compiled some favorite Heinemann podcasts with authors who presented at this year's NCTE17.

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PLC Series: November Round Up

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In today’s podcast we continue our conversation on the resource, Bullying Hurts with co-author, Lester Laminack.

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Today on the podcast, Reba Wadsworth talks about her book Bullying Hurts

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Writers ARE Readers: Closing the Gap

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Writers ARE Readers: Knowing your Audience

Teacher Appreciation: Lester Laminack On Two Stand-Out Teachers

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Writers ARE Readers: Slowing Down The Learning Process