Topic: Mathematics

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We use mathematical notation because it strips away all the extraneous information and helps us communicate as directly as we can about mathematical ideas. We couldn’t live in a world where all quantities were represented with dots or hash marks. We need abstract representations of numbers.

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In order for students to learn and understand mathematical concepts, they must live in classrooms that support cooperative learning and mathematical discourse. Students develop an understanding of mathematics when in an atmosphere where they feel safe to learn, take risks, make mistakes, and grow.

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Teaching questioning skills is not an easy process. It involves patience, scaffolding, and focused instruction. Asking a question is not something that a lot of our students know how to do innately, especially at the primary level.

Tim gouw 69753

it’s a sad but common belief among teachers and students that math manipulatives are a crutch to be outgrown and an intervention to be used only when necessary.

Blog working with0teachers and principals as a coach

I recently received this question about coaching on my website: Is it the coach's responsibility to report the teachers' flaws to the principal?

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Contexts for Learning Math: Hear Cathy Fosnot speak near you

Today on the podcast Ilana Seidel Horn talks about her new book Motivated

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The 5 Features of a Motivated Classroom

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What is Cognitively Guided Instruction?

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In Math, Context is Critical

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How the Standards for Mathematical Practice Support Teachers

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The Role of Community in Math

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What Makes Math Intimidating for Teachers?

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Shifts and Challenges in Teaching Math

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The Importance of Numeracy

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Help Your Students Form Mathematical Arguments

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Challenges Facing Elementary Math Teachers

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Giving Feedback to Students