Topic: Nancy Steineke

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Distance learning poses many challenges for teachers and students. Veteran teacher and Heinemann author, Nancy Steineke, has some ideas for how to make a positive impact.

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How does growing our classroom environment to be more collaborative reduce the stress of classroom management and improve student achievement?

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From Friday January 17, 2020 to Monday, January 20, we will be immersed in inquiry in Charleston, SC, at Curiosity Across the Curriculum: Pursuing Engagement, Literacy, and Action through Inquiry hosted by "Smokey" Daniels, Nancy Steineke, Chad Everett, Kristin Ziemke, and Sara Ahmed.

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Time spent with colleagues in professional development away from school provides numerous benefits. But often, two huge barriers exist: finding funding and making the solid case to attend, telling the story of this kind of experience.

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This incredible weekend of learning invites us to embrace the inquiry process we wish our students to experience, trying out everything we will ask of them, as we commit to the more engaging and challenging practice of student-directed inquiry.

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Students comprehend and remember better when they are actively predicting what comes next.

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Santa Fe: Day 2 & Day 3 Final Keynotes

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Santa Fe Multi-Day Institute 2018: Day One

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Harvey “Smokey” Daniels Previews Upcoming Multi-Day Institute in Santa Fe

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Multi-Day Institute: Teaching With Student Directed Inquiry

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The work of students should be honored and activities in the classroom should reflect that.

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Reading competes with so many things for kids' attention these days...

Teacher Appreciation: Nancy Steineke On Her Teaching Professor

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Yes, of course we want students to be able to write cogent arguments, expositions, and narratives, but where in the Standards is the route that leads to this sophisticated writing?

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Content-area teachers, rejoice once again: Nancy Steineke and Harvey "Smokey" Daniels bring you the companion volume to their ever popular Texts & Lessons for Content-Area Reading

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Content-area teachers, rejoice once again: Harvey “Smokey” Daniels and Nancy Steineke bring you the companion volume to their ever popular Texts & Lessons for Content-Area Reading

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Inquiry In Action Twitter Chat

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Drawing on their professional expertise and their in-depth knowledge of the CCSS, Heinemann authors have developed practical resources that address the rigorous demands of close reading