Follow Along with our Learning in Charleston!

Charleston Sara

*photo credit: Sara Ahmed

*photo credit: Sara Ahmed


From Friday January 17, 2020 to Monday, January 20, we will be immersed in inquiry in Charleston, SC, at Curiosity Across the Curriculum: Pursuing Engagement, Literacy, and Action through Inquiry hosted by "Smokey" Daniels, Nancy Steineke, Chad Everett, Kristin Ziemke, and Sara Ahmed.

Interested in following along in real-time? Follow @HeinemannPD on Twitter and @HeinemannPub on Instagram via stories—keep an eye out for hashtag #HCharleston20 on all channels for our ongoing live tweeting and social media posts from participants.

*Update: You can see the whole weekend by checking out the story highlight on Instagram! 


Friday, January 17

Chad Everett provided some critical grounding to position our hearts and minds for the work we are about to do, for the transaction we are about to have with Charleston, SC.

At this institute, we live the inquiry so we can best bring this experience back to our schools and students. Here is some thinking that came out of his keynote:



Saturday, January 18

Author Nancy Steineke began the day helping us understand the necessary social skills—and how to teach them—of collaborative inquiry. As we moved into our breakout sessions, we had the opportunity to practice this as we shared questions about Charleston and formed inquiry groups. 

We explored Charleston to follow our curiosities and went deeper in our thinking about identity, literacy, and leadership. Some samples of our thinking is below; more can be found on Twitter via #HCharleston20 and in our Instagram story!

Sunday, January 19

Sunday was a day of synthesis as we worked towards linking our understandings of inquiry, identity, varied texts, and modes of presenting learning. Harvey "Smokey" Daniels grounded our thinking for the day through examples of student curiosity leading to inquiry and engagement and Kristin Ziemke schooled us in the myriad ways we can share and interact with new learning, from the high-tech to the low-tech.

In the evening, our gallery walk was a huge success! Take a look at some highlights from the day:

Monday, January 20

On this last morning, we reflected on the gallery walk and returned to our thinking from Friday night. Where are the Birminghams in our schools, curriculum, and classrooms? How can we use inquiry as professionals to determine (and lean in to) who is and is NOT being served?

What an incredible learning journey for this institute. Until next time...