Topic: Story Matters

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Creating a sense of community is necessary for student engagement and motivation. How does one do that while social distancing? A teacher shares her plans.

First Liz Prather Blog Header Aug 2020

Learn how this pandemic has forced High School Teacher and Author, Liz Prather, to examine her practice and rethink how to frame learning so that it’s logical and engaging to students.

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Narrative plays a bigger role in how we communicate than we give it credit for...


When writing nonfiction, we have the whole gamut of narrative techniques at our disposal, but we aren’t just telling a story.

Examining the How and Why in Writing 1

As they read, it’s important for students to get in the habit of asking not what, what, what, but why and how...

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Read the foreword to Liz Prather's new book, Story Matters, written by Kelly Gallagher. Story Matters tells the importance of learning through the power of story.