Topic: Harvey "Smokey" Daniels

Heinemann edWebinars

Tap into these 11 free on-demand webinars that cover the essential pillars of reading, math, and writing—providing innovative strategies to inspire and rejuvenate your teaching.

Begin the Day with Soft Starts Blog Headers Blue

Give students a range of soft start choices to choose their own path into the school day.

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Soft starts let kids begin the day by following their own curiosity. Learn more about them and try this activity.

Celebrate World Read Aloud Day with Heinemann Audiobooks

Heinemann authors are exemplary educators eager to support the practice of other teachers. Allow yourself the enjoyment and benefits of being read to -- by them.

Summer Read Aloud Series Curious Class

Ever wonder how to get students genuinely engaged in your curriculum? Or wish you could let them explore the amazing questions they ask?

Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, The Curious Classroom: 10 Structures for Teaching with Student-Directed Inquiry by Harvey "Smokey" Daniels.

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Join us for a special online-only audiobook listening party on Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 2:00 PM (EDT).

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From Friday January 17, 2020 to Monday, January 20, we will be immersed in inquiry in Charleston, SC, at Curiosity Across the Curriculum: Pursuing Engagement, Literacy, and Action through Inquiry hosted by "Smokey" Daniels, Nancy Steineke, Chad Everett, Kristin Ziemke, and Sara Ahmed.

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The PLC series continues with reflecting on inquiry as a process for both teachers and students alike.

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Time spent with colleagues in professional development away from school provides numerous benefits. But often, two huge barriers exist: finding funding and making the solid case to attend, telling the story of this kind of experience.

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This incredible weekend of learning invites us to embrace the inquiry process we wish our students to experience, trying out everything we will ask of them, as we commit to the more engaging and challenging practice of student-directed inquiry.

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Inquiry means kids investigating and exploring, instead of just sitting and listening.

Textand Lessons Blog Two

Students comprehend and remember better when they are actively predicting what comes next.

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Turn & Talk conversations will be published on the Heinemann blog throughout Heinemann’s fortieth year, enabling our readers to immerse themselves in the most critical topics in education around the world from the perspectives of two deeply respected authors with very different backgrounds.

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This week on the Heinemann Podcast, we're talking with Harvey 'Smokey' Daniels, author of The Curious Classroom, about Student-Directed Inquiry.

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Santa Fe: Day 2 & Day 3 Final Keynotes

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Santa Fe Multi-Day Institute 2018: Day One

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Harvey “Smokey” Daniels Previews Upcoming Multi-Day Institute in Santa Fe