Heinemann 2015 Resolutions, Part 6: Pamela Weber Harris, Meenoo Rami, and Elizabeth Fennema

We asked the Heinemann authors who published a book in 2014 to provide a resolution for 2015. We hope these resolutions--or edulutions--spark a note of self-reflection while lifting you to continue your good, vital work into the new year. Over the next two weeks as we share our education resolutions, we’d love to read your edulutions. Share them with us or follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #Heinemann15. Cheers for a happy new year!

We asked the Heinemann authors who published a book in 2014 to provide a resolution for 2015. We hope these resolutions--or edulutions--spark a note of self-reflection while lifting you to continue your good, vital work into the new year. Over the next two weeks as we share our education resolutions, we’d love to read your edulutions. Share them with us or follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #Heinemann15. Cheers for a happy new year!


"I resolve this year to make my work more public. This public work includes collaboration, by planning with colleagues and co-teaching and co-presenting when possible, because I learn so much by interacting in the nitty gritty decision-making, moment by moment. This public work also involves putting my ideas out in social media and on my website, inviting teachers and parents to try things and comment, because we all gain from each other’s backgrounds and students’ reactions and ideas.”

–Pamela Harris author of Lessons and Activities for Building Powerful Numeracy


“After nearly a decade in the classroom, I am still trying to learn how to meet the needs of 33 unique students in each of my classes. I guess this is more like a reminder for myself than anything else, but I want to try to see each of my students more clearly and find a way, even a moment, during class time when I can hear from my students. I think finding a sliver of time in which I can truly see and hear from my students can help me make better decisions about my classroom practice. I think this will help me honor the complexity of the work I am trying to do everyday.”

–Meenoo Rami author of Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching


Children learn mathematics when we listen to their thinking. I resolve to help others highlight and share more resources that help teachers learn to listen.

Elizabeth Fennema, co-author of Children’s Mathematics, Second Edition