Online PLC: Turn To Mentors

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During February, we’re featuring articles from our Online PLC to support new teachers (#NTchat on Twitter). However, we know teachers of all experience levels can use some rejuvenation at this time of year, so let’s join together in this community of strength and support!

Pre-service teacher preparation is a pivotal experience and should pave the way for a strong entrance into the classroom. However, veteran teachers know well that no one thing can truly prepare you for your first group of students, since every classroom is varied and diverse.

One of the keys to thriving, suggests author Meenoo Rami in the first chapter of Thrive, is connecting to and communicating with a variety of mentors:

My mentors don’t just give me answers: some help me respond to pressing needs from a position of experience or work with me as I try out new ideas. These mentors don’t fit the mold of mandated mentorship, but, I have found that each of these people have been invaluable models and guides for particular parts of my professional and personal life.

Give yourself the time to read through the chapter “Turn to Mentors” in the PDF below, and ask, “What do I really need? Who do I have in my life—in school or beyond—providing me with insight and guidance?”


We would love to hear your stories of mentorship here on the blog or on social media. Who are your mentors? What does this relationship look like in your profession, whether you are a newbie or veteran? Be sure to tag your responses with #OnlinePLC so we can all join in the conversation and support of teachers together.

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Meenoo Rami is a national board certified teacher who taught in Philadelphia for ten years at the Science Leadership Academy. She has shared her classroom practice at various national and regional conferences including NCTE, ISTE, ASCD, ILA, EduCon, and the National Writing Project’s Urban Sites Conference. Her first book is Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching.

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Wondering where to connect online? Start by signing up below for Heinemann's Online PLC! Each week, we'll share content from the Heinemann Digital Library as food for thought and discussion. Our conversations can occur in comments here on the blog, on Twitter using #OnlinePLC or in our Facebook Group. Looking forward to sharing content, conversation and camaraderie!

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