Topic: Online PD

Why and How to Choose Professional Learning A Conversation Between Heinemann PD Professionals 1

Lish Mitchell and Jaclyn Karabinas from Heinemann Professional Development walk us through some exciting upcoming PD and how you can learn more.

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The number 2020 once signified perfect eyesight, or clearer hindsight gained from the passage of time. For the world of education, 2020 now represents a high-stress whirlwind of redesigning teaching and learning, far outpacing the prior, frequent changes in education, all while still living in and surviving a pandemic.

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Jen Serravallo has received a lot of questions regarding her Reading & Writing Summer Camp: Exploring Mentor Texts to Teach Strategies for Summer 2020. Here are some answers to help you get ready.

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Are you looking for a way to deepen your use of The Reading Strategies Book and/or The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo? Online learning -- webinars and on-demand courses -- allow you to learn at your own pace, from home or school, when your schedule allows.

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Did you catch our Facebook live sneak peek into our new learning site and into one of Jennifer Serravallo's On-Demand Courses? You'll find the full recording below in case you missed it or just wanted to review the details.

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Summertime creates opportunity for activities that are critical to teacher rejuvenation. For some, it is the time where engaging in professional learning is the most fruitful because the capacity is greater for digging deeper into PD goals or school initiatives.

Blog Header On Demand April 1

A good demonstration is specific, focused, and clear. Thinking aloud while demonstrating is an important way to show not just what we are doing but also how we are doing it. Modeling is not the same as demonstrating. Modeling is an important part of high-quality teaching, but in a focused strategy lesson, demonstrating is more effective.

How can we actively and intentionally involve students in the chart-making process so charts become an integral part of instruction? Let’s take a look at one way to involve students through the use of interactive writing.

Blog Header On Demand February

The more opportunities students have to practice using the language of mathematics through conversation, the deeper their understanding will be. As students engage in brief discussion, they have the chance to hear and practice providing explanations, multiple representations, and solutions.

Blog Header On Demand January

There are so many instructional opportunities when conferring with students: we can nudge readers and writers to clarify thinking, address a need through teaching points, model for students what it looks like to use literacy to make sense of the world — and so much more.

Blog Header On Demand November

One of the hardest things about writing is—getting started! For many of our students, drawing and talking about their drawings is just what they need to cross the barrier from a blank page to page filled with their words.

Blog Header On Demand October

In her latest book, What’s the Best That Could Happen?, Debbie Miller explores how questions help us look beyond the limitations of what we’ve done and discover powerful new opportunities for teaching and learning.

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You don’t have to be tech-savvy to participate in the online PD we offer. Even if you don’t have barriers to attending an on-site or off-site event, perhaps your learning preferences include smaller chunks of time, flexible scheduling, or time and space to process, practice, reflect, and synthesize new learning.

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A wrap up of the PLC series posts from 2017-18 year.

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This month we look at ways to infuse concepts of community in the math classroom to support confidence and participation.

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This month, celebrate community and confidence in mathematics.

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New York Times, Best-selling author Jennifer Serravallo talks about her new on-demand course: Strategies in Action: Reading and Writing Methods and Content.

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PLC Series Fall 2017 Round-Up!