Topic: Sue O'Connell

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10 Misinformed Math Beliefs... And What To Do About Them

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SMP #5: Use Appropriate Tools Strategically

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SMP #4: Model with Mathematics

SMP #3: Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others

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If we encourage students to reason quantitatively (attending to the relationships between the numbers and using properties flexibly), they can abstract to general principles that can help solve other seemingly unrelated problems

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SMP #1: Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them

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Helping Students Develop Problem Solving Skills

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Encouraging Teachers Who Don’t Feel Comfortable With Math

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Two Sample Resources From Sue O'Connell

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How Do We Help Students Really Understand Math?

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Online PLC: Putting Practices into Action With Sue O'Connell

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Max Ray-Riek On Grading and Giving Feedback

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What Is Mathematical Fluency And How Does It Support Learning?

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What Are The Challenges Related to Shifting How We Teach Math?

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How Do The Standards for Mathematical Practice Impact Our Instruction?

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What Does Excellent Mathematics Teaching Look Like?

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A Look Back at the SMP Blog Series

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SMP #8: Look For and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning