Topic: Units of Study for Teaching Reading

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The American Institutes for Research (AIR), a not-for-profit, independent research firm based in the greater Washington, D.C., area, has completed the first objective, rigorous, quasi-experimental study of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project’s reading and writing workshop and Units of Study curriculum.

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Here is a current list, by product line, of digital resources that will be available this fall for verified product owners.

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Jamie Nelsen, a second-grade teacher at Shekou International School in China, shares her experience with remote teaching and the journey that led her there

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Read an excerpt from Chapter 7 of Lucy Calkins' new book for school leaders. In this chapter, you’ll find: ways to make time for teachers to plan together, tips to ensure collaborative groups go well, ways to anticipate and dissipate resistance, and more.

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It’s a wonderful feeling when a new teaching resource arrives, along with it a sense of rejuvenation, creativity, and thoughtful anticipation about how one’s teaching will shift for the better.

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I'm hearing from lots of people whose schools are launching or preparing to launch Units of Study in reading, writing or phonics—and I’ve been getting many requests for advice on how to make sure the work is successful. Here are my thoughts.

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All students, those that gravitate toward nonfiction and those that don’t, need opportunities to engage with nonfiction not just during nonfiction reading units, but all year long.

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In the upper grades, students don’t often move up reading levels as quickly as they do when they are younger. But that said, it’s still important to take note when a student has been in the same level for what seems like too long.

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At this week’s TCRWP Twitter chat, Janet Steinberg, Research and Data Manager for the TCRWP, and staff developer Rhea Royster will lead a chat on what is most important in helping students in grades 3-8 prepare for tests.

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Because learning progressions are progressive and precise, they are an invaluable tool for teaching and for assessment.

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Readers who read strictly for plot nearly always remain stuck in literal interpretations of text, and typically struggle with more complex reading skills.

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Creating Powerful Book Clubs 4-8

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The kinds of readers that enter our classrooms are vast. Some read voraciously, and benefit from help tailoring reading plans to push their thinking to more nuanced levels. Some slog through books, wi

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Gearing up for a Powerful Launch to a New Year: Reflecting on the August Teachers College Reading Institute

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Gearing Up for a Powerful Launch to a New Year: Reflecting on the August Writing Institute K-8

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Setting up Strong Reading and Writing Partnerships at the Beginning of a New School Year

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Getting Ready for Next Year by Enlivening Your Own Reading and Writing Life

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Falling in Love with Nonfiction Reading