A STEM Success Story

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The new STEM Lesson Guideposts is the companion to the bestselling STEM Lesson Essentials and a practical guide for helping you on your journey of creating integrated, interdisciplinary STEM lessons and units.

Jo Anne Vasquez, Michael Comer, and Joel Villegas (the authors of STEM Lesson Guideposts) have worked with districts, schools, and educators across the country (and around the world), helping them better understand what STEM learning is and how to develop hands-on, integrated STEM lessons and units.

In the video below, Michael Comer talks about how a third grade team in a school with a high population of English learners successfully integrated STEM into their curriculum.



STEM Lesson Guideposts is available now! Click here to learn more and download a sample.


Jo Anne Vasquez is a STEM professional learning provider, Past President of the NSTA, and former classroom teacher who has spent her career promoting integrated, hands-on learning experiences for all students.

Michael Comer has been an advocate of improving science education for over 25 years, sharing proven ideas and engaging resources for the betterment of all students.

Joel Villegas has 18 years of experience in education with a focus on STEM integration and professional development. A dynamic presenter, he speaks frequently at both local and national conferences.