Topic: Cheryl Tyler


Pay attention to the ways in which children are playing and making meaning.


What does purposeful play mean? Authors Kristi Mraz and Cheryl Tyler describe in this video blog.

Keeping Play Purposeful During a Pandemic

How can we hold tight to the fundamental aspects of children's play during a pandemic? Learn how in this blog post from the authors of Purposeful Play.

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Purposeful Play: Igniting Joyful Learning Across the Day

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Learn about the science behind integrating play into the classroom in this PLC Series post.

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What Do You Talk About With Different Kinds Of Play?

What are the different types of play and when do they make sense? Learn from the authors of Purposeful Play about fantasy, rough-and-tumble, constructive, and games with rules.

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Play Is The Work Of Children

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TCRWP Twitter Chat: Purposeful Play: Infusing Joy in Learning Across the Day