Topic: Reading

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Included is a video of Regie Routman in an informal reading conference.

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It’s A New Year: Setting Up Old and New Traditions to Help Energize and Implement Units of Study All Year

Jennifer Serravallo provides a downloadable self-reflection tool for readers to find their goals.

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TCRWP Twitter Chat: The Most Important Tips about Word-Solving on the Run

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Dreams Do Come True: The Audacious Story Behind the Curation of the Best Classroom Libraries Ever Created for Children

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Take a beginning of the year perspective, including planning, setting overarching goals, and gaining invaluable knowledge of the progression of reading development.

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Classical and Modern Literature: Yielding New Engagement and Relevance for Generation Z

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Learn how to design a workshop classroom to support students in moving through routines, working together, and becoming more independent.

Reading Science Podcast

Author Jennifer Altieri reminds us that literacy skills aren’t add-ons to the science class—they are critical parts of instruction.

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In his Twitter Chat, Cornelius Minor reminds us that technology is a tool, not a learning outcome.

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How Do You Get Your Story Noticed?

When Kids Cant Read Podcast

In When Kids Can't Read, Kylene Beers offers teachers the comprehensive handbook they've needed to help readers improve their skills.

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Kylene Beers: When Kids Can't Read - Facebook Live

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One way we can set our students up to best meet the challenge of learning to write is to keep process the focus of our instruction.

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When Kids Can't Read: 7 Underlying Beliefs

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TCRWP August Writing Institute Chat

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TCRWP Twitter Chat: What Are the BEST Books? Planning Your Libraries, Your Units, and Other Ways to Bring Great Books to Your Students

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Using Technology With Primary Texts