Topic: Reading

FPC Shared Reading Tips Blog2 Header

During whole-group literacy, it’s important that students are interested in the books, discussions, and teachings for the most impactful, engaging literacy instruction.

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Shared reading sparks joy, inquiry, student talk and agency. Shared reading is more engaging and impactful than any other whole-class literacy instruction.

Blog Comprehension And Collab Blog Header

Comprehension is not about spitting out facts and filling in blanks. Comprehension is about understanding. And reading is not merely about word calling. Reading is about thinking.

Audiobook Literacy Moves Outdoors banner

The audiobook of Literacy Moves Outdoors: Learning Approaches for Any Environment read by the author Valerie Bang-Jensen

LLI 5 Strategies Blog 2400px

These five strategies highlight the interconnectedness of comprehension, conversation, writing, and vocabulary in fostering a deep understanding of texts.

Blog Header Glover Collins Reading

Providing young children with lots of opportunities and encouragement to read unfamiliar books helps them to become adventurous, confident readers who are highly engaged meaning-makers.

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Read-aloud time is an opportunity to mentor children in the mindset, habits, and strategies of proficient readers.

Blog Book Love Foundation v02

The goal of The Book Love Foundation is to put books in the hands of teachers of teenagers. We aim instruction toward increasing volume, stamina, and joy in reading in middle and high school.

Blog Berit Gordon Joyful Teacher

Practical Strategies for More Joy and Less Struggle Next Year

A Literacy Moves bloghead 1200

If you’re wondering what literacy might look like outside the classroom, it’s everywhere.

Toolkit Test Genre bloghead

Taking a test requires some skills and strategies that are quite distinct from the reading we do every day. Here are some tips for teaching test reading.

Podcast Transformative Power of Reading

This week on the podcast, Kylene Beers joins to share what's new in the second edition of When Kids Can't Read.

On the Podcast Reading Responses for Critical Thinking with Rebekah O Dell and Marilyn Pryle

Marilyn Pryle and Rebekah O’Dell explain how reading responses can be an effective tool for helping students to engage meaningfully with a text.

Self Reflection Tool Blog Header Serravallo RSB 2 0 FREE Download Graphic

Help students create a personalized reading plan that caters to their unique needs. Download a FREE self-reflection tool from Jennifer Serravallo.

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Decoding “big words” is absolutely pivotal to reading and comprehending text. You cannot become a successful reader if you cannot decode multisyllabic words.

WKCR Audiobook Blog Header

Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, When Kids Can't Read—What Teachers Can Do, Second Edition by Kylene Beers, narrated by Meredith Beers.

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In what ways can an understanding of the relationship between reading and writing make planning more efficient?

Prepare Kids for Test Taking with Comprehension Strategies that Build Strong Readers

Confident readers read and think flexibly and critically about content AND perform effectively on the test.